About Me

If you read this, it means you've found my blog and thanks for finding my blog :)

I'm Indonesian and 92's
My full name is Ima Rohana Manurung but you can call me freely with Ima.. My hometown is Makassar, South Sulawesi but right now I studied at Surabaya..
I'm a new blogger but still far far away to be call good and inspiring blogger. But even if I'm new with this, I'll try my best to post something useful for the readers :)

The reason Why I make this Blog ?
Let's see.... Well, I love to write, love to share what's on my mind.. I didn't make this blog for popularity.. I just think about "how lovely if we can share anything right?"

What I hate the most ?
Frogs, hypocrites, and a liar..

What I wish to be dissapear ?
All the frogs in the world

What I love ?
I love everything that makes me happy such as writing, fashion designing, reading, watch TV, Youtube, singing, makeup, beauty stuffs etc :) I can't say it one by one cause it'll be too bored to be read. hahaa

Well, that's all I can tell about me.. It's not really important about who I am.. hahahaa
The important thing is, hope my post can be useful for you...

PS: Feel free to leave comment on my post, I will really appreciate it if you can share with me about your thoughts or just only for say hi..

Thanks For Finding This Blog 
With Love,

1 komentar:

  1. hi ima! i laughed by the time i read "what i wish to be dissapear? all the frogs in the world" XD

    salam kenal, sy dr bandung ^^. sy ngeblog jg buat random aja, sebenernya buat belajar nulis pk bahasa inggris dengan bantuan google translate ahaha. sama suka aja baca review skin care or makeup product dari orang2 , walo di tiap org beda sih (cocok2an) tp gapapa yah buat referensi, hihi



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