11 Des 2014

[REVIEW] Snail Bee High Content Mask Pack By BENTON

Hello dear..
Back again with juslittleme and my newly post..
Talk about 'Me Time', I really don't have much time to do my 'Me Time' due to my college busyness (final assignment), lack of sleep from working with my final assignment #eyebagshere #puffyeyeshere .. And Thank God Finaly I'm done working with it and the schedule for my test were out and I have about 1 week to do a preparation before the test. So here it is, I decided to resting about just for 1 day and do some little basic 'Me Time', only a little 'Me Time' that tooks my time for 30 minutes and make my skin feel alive again~~ should I say #finally ??? hahaaaa

What Facial Mask actually is it?? Curious right??
I did a review about BENTON product long time ago - Aloe BHA Skin Toner from BENTON (checkhere) .. Snail line has been really popular this day.. Benton's one of them who added a snail secretion filtrate into their products to helps our skin problems. How about the Bee?? Yes, this product ingredients contain a Bee Venom as well. The Bee Venom is supposed to help our skin improvements from wrinkles.
Let's just start.. Shall we??

"Is for all types skins including sensitive. Instead of water, the product uses Camelia Sinesis Leaf Water, Snail secretion filtrate, Bee Venom and EGF to cleanse your rough and damage skin from various stresses and pollution. In addition to the skin-shooting, moisture supply and skin tone improvement functions, Arbutin and Adenosine contents of the product help you whitening your skin and remove wrinkles."

8 Des 2014

[REVIEW] Mustika Ratu Herbal Facial Wipes

Hello dear..
Today's post will be review about facial wipes..
Have you ever tried this product?? This's my first time, so I'll tell you my honest thoughts about this product.
I usually using POND'S for cleaning my makeup, it works pretty good thou. Eventhou it cleaned my makeup very well there are some factors that keep making me uncomfortable after using it, so I try to find another cleanser like pixy but it just won't work well, my makeup won't come off easily. I had to rub my face with cotton like 3-4 times and then I decided to go back with my POND'S.
Last week, I got this Herbal Facial Wipes from Mustika Ratu. Let's just start.. Shall we??

"Herbal facial wipes are specially formulated with Chamomile, Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for cleansing face, eye makeup and waterproof mascara. One easy step to clean and keep the skin fresh, soft and moist."

7 Des 2014

Basha Market - Bring Broadway To Surabaya

Hello again readers..
I'm not pushed by anyone to write this post, I just so in love with this bazaar event, so beautiful, crowded (love crowded place). You can find fashion stuff, beauty stuff and other beautiful stuffs at Basha Market. Oh oh oh .. and~~~~ guess what~~ there's a lot of food~~~~ *eatandeat again.. Well, I can never stop eating~~ #fatbellyhere .. haha ^^
This post will be a short post and few pictures about my adventure at Basha Market on saturday 6th with my lovely sister ^^ This Basha Market start from December 5th and ends on December 7th at Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya..


Selfie's never gone wrong

3 Des 2014

[EVENT REPORT] Bio-Oil 'Discover Your Happy Skin' Exhibition Roadshow And Talkshow

Hello hello hello dear readers..
Maybe it's kinda too late to post about this.. The reason is bad internet connection~~ T.T and it's been 2 weeks T.T But I just can't wait and really excited to tell you about this event and the wonderful product also.. hehe..
So let's just start.. Shall we?

I've been invited to join the Bio-Oil exhibition and talkshow from the other friends blogger.. It was really excited and an honor and also a pleasure to come .. Honestly, it was my first time to join an event, Thanks for Melisa for invited me to join and get to know new friends which is good, warmhearted, and pretty too.. hahaaa

Let's just start to know Bio-Oil.. *keep scroll down beibb.. ^^
Have you ever heard about Bio-Oil? What exactly this product do?

12 Nov 2014

[REVIEW] 3M Nexcare Skin Care Acne Cover

Hey.. It's been a while..
Finally I get the chance to write a review.. pheww~
I've been curious about this product for a long time ago and finally tried it. First time, I was curious about it claims said 'get rid acne instantly' within 8 hours. I mean.. is that even possible? Usually I need 3 days or even 1 week to get rid of it. Well, it quite ineteresting by the way, so I give it a try. 
Talk about acne.. What exactly is the cause of acne?? There are many factors that cause acne such as touching the skin, genetic factors, lifestyle factors, dietary factors/food, cosmetic, and stress. 

 source: google.com

8 Okt 2014

[BEAUTY HAUL] OCTOBER MAKEUP {&} SKINCARE HAUL - Skinfood, Holika Holika, The Face Shop-Face it, The Face Shop Lovely me;ex, Peripera

Hello again dear readers ^^
This post will be only a little chit-chat about all the products I bought on September, but actually the package came almost on October, so that's why you can see on the tittle post I said 'October'.. heheee
Well, some of the products are only in sample size and some of it I bought with the full size..
I can't say much.. Let's just start..
Shall We ??
Well, enjoy then ^^


4 Okt 2014

[REVIEW] PERIPERA - Peri's Cushion Lips #PK07 #PK08

Heloo dear.. It's been a while ^^
Too busy for writing new post on september.. But now,,
Well.. Well.. New day, new date, new month, same year and a new post ^^ hoorayyy \(^,^)/ Happy to start writing a new post again~~
So, a couple weeks ago I bought some products which is my favorite kind of product.. I told you before how much I love lip tint or any kind of lip products, so the product I bought was some kind of it.
Let's just say I ran out of lip tint and I bought it since I can't go anywhere without it.. hahaaa.. How weird, isn't it?? yeahh,, But I truly really can't.. It's like 'never go out without lipstick'.. #well #weird..
Lip tint or lipstick is like the key of beauty or when you wear makeup,, Well, for me it is.. For me, the point when you go out is your lips, when people stare at you, the most spot they usually see or stare at is your lips.. #Iguess I won't say people will stare or spot your eyes first, because eyes part is relative and by the way no matter what and no matter how, every people already has a beautiful eyes.. ^^

Let's just start.. Shall we?

10 Sep 2014

[BEAUTY TIPS] How To Get Rid Dark Circles Under Eyes

Hello dear lovely readers~~~
How's your day?? Hope it really wonderful~~

Today's I'm going to talk about the 'men and women' problem under the eyes. What is it??? YES, dark circles and puffy eyes or eye bag. It's really bothersome right?? tsk, it is!! But don't worry, actually there are lot of things we can do to solve this problems.
Before we start to speak about how to solve or get rid of it, it's way better if you know what exactly causes dark circles under the eyes.

9 Sep 2014

[FOOD] My Kopi-O! ~ Everything Is Favourite


 Hello my dear readers~~
It's really nice to share with you again ^^.. So today's I'm going to share a short post about this cozy place with an extremely delicie foods.. That place called my Kopi-O!, I really love this place, I always came to this place with my 2 bestfriends when we hangout together. We don't know why, but somehow this place draw our attention and we ended up eating there.

8 Sep 2014

[BEAUTY TIPS] Beauty and Healthy Skin

-- Hello dear --
Today I'm going to share about beauty talk which means we will discover about the secret of the beauty and healthy skin.. so let's begin ..
I know there are a lot of people out there who has problem with their skin, so do I..
Hearing about this problem, I found that the beauty and the skincare product are the most wanted thing among the girls. actually, not only girls, a lot of guy/men do the same thing, searching to find the best recommended product that suits their skin problems.
To be honest, I did the same thing like the others do because I kinda had a skin problem too like pimples or blemishes, oily skin, and other problem, so it's like a complication skin problem I thought. That's why I always trying to search about a beauty product review and when it comes with a positive and recommended comment, well.. I purchased those products wish it could solve my skin problems.. There's a lot of beauty products or skin products that really good for your skin. But sometimes, those product works really different for other people or different skin type.

6 Sep 2014

[REVIEW] Etude House Sweet Recipe Baby Choux Base #03 Peach Choux

Hello dear readers..
I'm back again with a new review for you dear :)
So, today I'm going to review one of my favorite makeup base. This base from Etude House basically has 3 colors but I only had the number #03 Peach choux..

Before I tell you about this base, It's better to get to know what is makeup base for and then you decide whether you need it or not ;)
So, What is a makeup base??
Makeup base also referred to as a primer is a cosmetic product that is applied to the skin before foundation or concealer. Its purpose is to smooth out lines, wrinkles, or blemishes, and give the foundation or concealer a smooth palette for application. Makeup base also can help your makeup last longer [readhere][wisegeek.com]

So have you decide?? need it or not??
So today I'm going to review this makeup base product from Etude House ;)
Let's just start~~~

1 Sep 2014

[MAKEUP TIPS] No Worry Anymore with Your Dry Gel Liner and Mascara

Hello Readers, finally I'm back with a new post.
Today I'm giving you a different post than my usual post. Today I'm going to talk about dry dry and dry, I mean... have you ever had a dry gel liner and mascara? and then you throw it right away because it's hard to use anymore or can't be use anymore because it's dry inside? Well, like the tittle say, 'NO WORRY' it means there's a solution for it.. 
Are you already curious about it??
Well, be patient dear, I'll discuss about it soon :)

I had a hard time for using my gel liner andmy mascara for a long time. My gel liner still left too much to throw away and same reason with my mascara. If I'm not mistaken remember it, my gel liner begin to dry and the texture become hard or too lumpy after 1 month since I bought it and my mascara become really dry after I used it for 3 weeks :(

26 Agu 2014

[REVIEW] - Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence

Halo, para good readers..
Udah lama banget aku nggak posting sesuatu.. heheee
Soridoristroberi yah ladies and gentleman, hari ini aku nge-review pake bahasa kebangsaan dulu, yah. Lagi nggak mau mikir pake bahasa inggris, nih, otak udah sekarat ngerjain skripsi melulu.. Puyeng.. hahahaa
Daripada bahas soal skripsi, nanti jadinya malah nge-review skripsi bukan nge-review beauty produk hahaaa...

Yuk, balik lagi ke topik inti..
Siapa sih yang nggak pernah minder punya banyak jerawat yang mengganggu penampilan di wajah? Belum lagi ditambah sama bekas-bekasnya.. Sebel banget kan sama jerawat yang muncul nggak main permisi dulu? #what?? hahahaa.. Don't worry lah ladies, kamu bukan satu-satunya kok yang merasakan, aku juga merasakan penderitaan kalian T.T #hugs
Tapi ladies, nggak perlu bersedih terlalu lama juga, nggak usah stress karena stress juga dapat menimbulkan jerawat loh.. Selama masih bisa diatasi,

26 Jul 2014

[GIVEAWAY] Jean Milka 1st Giveaway: Make Up For You, Etude House, The Face Shop, Caring Cosmetics, Sasatinnie etc


Welcome dear readers..
Kali ini Jean Milka lagi mengadakan 1st Giveaway dengan hadiah Make Up For You 24 brush set dan berbagai produk lainnya. Ada 4 set hadiah untuk 4 orang pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang utama akan dipilih berdasarkan komentar, kritik dan saran tentang blog. Sedangkan 3 pemenang lainnya akan di pilih menggunakan Rafflecopter secara acak.

Apa sih hadiahnya ??
Penasaran??? Lets Check  

[REVIEW] Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream


Dear readers, I'm going to review one of my wonderful skincare product..
I bet you're curious about what this product do to me.. Well, let's start..
On my latest post, I said that my skin was really sensitive because mine was really oily. First of all, I've heard some myth about people with the oily skin

24 Jul 2014

[REVIEW] Benton Aloe BHA Skin Toner

Helloooo Dear Readers... Back again with my new post..
As I promised on my Skincare Haul post a week ago.. Today, I'll be doing a review about one of those product.. Yes, it's a toner from Benton.
First of all, my skin is oily skin type, very sensitive, a lot of blemishes and pimples hanging around on my cheeks and left a lot of scars on my cheeks too.. It really frustrated.. As you know, every skincare products works really different for our skin..

17 Jul 2014

[SKINCARE HAUL] Secret Key, Mizon, Benton

Long time with no post, and here I am back with a new post~~ hehehee..
I was on vacation two weeks ago so I couldn't post anything yet back then..
I'll be posting some of my photos soon when I'm in Bali with my big sister and my best friend, but today I'm not gonna talk about Bali..
Let's move..
So today my package just came.. I ordered 4 products from instagram..

7 Jun 2014

[HOW TO] Crunchy Delicie Toast

Two days ago, I found an idea about how to make a delicious snack, since I love to eat..
Probably many people have done the same thing that I do..
Well, fine, I just love to share my own way to do it..
I eat this snack in the morning as my breakfast, plus drink a yoghurt..
So let's just start~~
What You Need
1 or 2 Wheat bread 
3 small pieces cut of Brocoli
2 boiled eggs

How To

3 Jun 2014

[FOOD] I called It Life dude~~

Helloo.. It's been a while~~
I'm going to share about what I've been doing for a couple weeks ago..
Since this is a holiday timee, so.. I spent my time on laptop a lot googling, giggling and everything.. hahaaa
Actually, today I'm in a free time to posting some of my hobby a.k.a EAT.. ^^
I'm thinking about posting a few of my fun time with my bestfriends a couple weeks ago..

28 Mei 2014

[REVIEW] PERIPERA -- Peri's Tint Water No.4 Mandarin Juice

Hello Beauties~~
I really miss posting any review.. I'm not posting any review for a while and just being a silent reader due to a final exam.. And Thank's God my final exam's over today.. Yeiiyyyy for freedom!!!
Recently, I've been using two kind of lip products that I just bought this month..

Well.. Let's just begin~~~
If you crazy for Lip Tint raise yourrrr hands!!
(^v^)/ Meeee (^v^)/ Meeee (^v^)/ Meeee (^v^)/ MEEEEE ~~~ haha...
A lot of people may prefer using a Lipstick instead of lip tints, but heyy... I'm NOT! I prefer using lip tint, that's why I'm crazy for lip tint yoooww..

Have you ever heard about Peri's Tint Water from Peripera? Have you? Have you?
Well, First I'm gonna explain what is the Peri's Tint Water, and later I'll show it to you with some picture..
Peri's Tint Water from Peripera is a water based lip tint product and because it basically water based so when I applied it, its kinda runny down on my lips really fast, so I had to dab it fast too. And because of the water based again, the product absorb really fast and the color was really... really... Don't know how should I explain it with words.. Is it okay if I say....... Amazing!! Hahaa.. 
It has many kinds of colors that splits into five numbers which is:

10 Mei 2014

[TUTORIAL] Another Part Of Me

Hello Beautiess~~
This was my first time posting a tutorial look
this was definetely my simple experiment of the day... hahaaa and I just want to share it~~
I've been upload this final look on my instagram
so check it out on My Instagram << Just Click it to see..

Well lets begin
I'll show you step by step

21 Apr 2014


Hello guys.. 
I'm going to do a review of the Victoria's Secret Makeup Kit that I've won a week ago.. I'm lucky to be one of the giveaway winner, and lucky to have the Victoria's Secret kit because I would never had a chance to buy it.. I'd rather buy the cheaper one than the expensive one.. Because I won't spend my money buy an expensive thing especially makeup set, I decide to join the giveaway event from one of the onlineshop on instagram..
At first, I didn't take it in a serious way, because I thought I won't be a winner, but who knows, I think start from now I have to think about everything in a postive way ^^
(sorry, my english skill isn't good enough ;p) 

Well.. let's just stop talking about some makeup fairytale.. hahahaa 
lets just begin.. 

11 Apr 2014

[FOOD] Heavenly Food


Ice Cream

deliManjoo (Korean freshly baked cream cake)

[REVIEW] My Best Favourite Concealer ~ ETUDE HOUSE & HOLIKA HOLIKA

Heloo Dearr~~
It's been a longgg timee since I'm not posting any article yet..
Soo... today I'm gonna reviewing some of the product that I use, which is Etude House and Holika Holika stick concealer..
I love both of this product.. Both of it technically has the same function: covering the dark circles, covering the blemish and all the imperfection. For some people, like me, who has dark circles would love this product so much.. I have tried both of it and it covered my dark circles and blemishes very very well... it does a pretty good job thou.

Let's start talking about the difference of the two products..
First of all, for me, concealer is a must to use when you wearing a makeup to have matte look. I've using both of this concealer on the different times/days. I'm using the Surprise stick concealer by Etude House if I had a special event or hangout with my friends, and the Holika Holika stick concealer when I'm going to study just to make my eyes look a little bright so makes me looks like I had a good sleep and it still make it look natural.
Lets talk about the difference:

19 Jan 2014

Everything's Possible

Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough.
― T.S. Eliot ―

17 Jan 2014

Smile Quote


"Smile in every second of your life because that little smile can bring happiness to others"

What Is Love?

Love make us fell good
make us fell someone caring for us..

we lived this life with all the love we had
love gave us strenght to live our life
gave us the sweet things we ever expected

love has different ways to show what it's mean
love given as a gift for everyones lifes
love give us memories to share
memories to remember
the beautiful even the painful one

there's a lot of us thought that love has many risk to take
that's true!
but losing your love doesn't mean you losing yourself
don't let that happen

just learn the good thing that happened because you have love
learn or experience the painful love or memories you've ever had 

ɷEnjoy Your Dayɷ

16 Jan 2014

Have a nice day!

Some may not understand why would they meet each other
Why would they like each other
Why would they love each other like a sister

There's one day you realized that God's brought us to
Images by Freepik